Jura Bourbon Cask


Wanna see what 500 tubes of metallic paint looks like?


The Hook

The Jura team came to StudioLR for help creating unique content for a new repackaging of their entry level spirit.


The Line

Taking cues from their tasting notes, I art directed a set inspired by the premise that Bourbon Cask is ‘The Malt That Melts In The Mouth’. It involved a hell of a lot of paint and a giant acrylic tank. And we worked with the incredible Cue the Mustard and Cat Markie to get messy and make it happen.


The Sinker

We created a set of assets that really looked different to competitors, cutting through the visual noise, and were able to be used flexibly by their markets worldwide.


Jura – A look around


Fettercairn – A look around