Wealth of Advice


Down to earth financial planning that doesn’t get too big for it’s steel-toe-capped boots.


The Hook

Wealth of Advice is a no-nonsense financial adviser based in Durham and the North-East. They worked with StudioLR where I work to refresh their brand and positioning, and I played a large role in the project.


The Line

Wealth of Advice isn’t like most financial advisers, many of their clients are from working-class backgrounds and have grafted hard for their money, with a large amount of them working in factories. They won’t be wooed with gold-foiled brochures and fish tanks, they want solid honest advice from a reliable source, and much of their business is done through word of mouth.


The Sinker

With this in mind we created a brand on solid foundations and a simple bold visual style that echoes an industrial past, no frilly fonts and complicated copy. The client was fully on board and absolutely loved the work were created. They’ve even just opened their second office!


Jura Rum Cask


Overdrive Dance Company